he knows where osama is? he is so smart s m r t. i mean.
not me.
painful . but i did get a decent start on crocheting a [it's a secret] for my [not telling]. it was either that or relapse; not unexpectedly, an old friend who's spent the last few years in korea brought and consumed a somewhat absurd quantity of shoddy soviet cigarettes (he returned to the states via moscow, which has apparently been taken over by neon and pr0n).
posed crypt: it occurs to me that he might object to the characterization 'old', and i do sympathize. however. spirit, not letter, old chap.
heads you win. tails i
lose .
"Insurance is only possible when the event that triggers a claim is highly improbable."
slope :
"It hardly seem[s] fair to require greater intellectual coherence from Saddam than from [impeccably pro-gay pro-feminist western bien pensants], and indeed the bizarre western-left/Islamist-theocrat alliance of convenience looks like becoming a permanent feature of the post-9/11 world."
clever :
"Attention, Pentagon men: Are you having trouble maintaining your elections?"
and don't forget the puppet / prop / prizewinning pup:
"As for Irag's [sic] prime minister, Ayad Allawi, well, the Bush regime just paraded him before Congress yesterday as a prop for the U.S. elections, and he won Best in Show."
she won't get pregnant if i just
pull out :
"[S]hould American forces pack their bags? No believer in the ultimate beneficence of American world leadership can easily accept that outcome."
ohohohohoooooooh i'm a believer i couldn't leave her if i tried.
"But one thing is certain: Independent Arab states like Iraq are largely a 20th-century creation, places with vivid memories of colonial rule and a visceral abhorrence of the presence of foreign troops."
nobody likes us! everybody hates us! why don't we just die!
more than honour and can be preserved by jeering at colonels and reading newspapers.
read C.S. Lewis's
The Abolition of Man .
i stole the title from
wretchard :
"If war is to make any sense (a proposition that some conscientious objects will deny in principle); and to progress toward some notion of "victory", then all deaths cannot be equal. There is an inverse relationship between the number of enemy deaths and the number of allied and civilian deaths one has to endure. It is undeniable that a lot of people, guilty and innocent, are still dying in Iraq. But it's the distribution that counts."